This is one of the most criticised(maybe the most) Tekken game in the series, by having the lowest character count in the whole series, slowed up gameplay, which resulted in high level play to poking and quick blows and particularly some characters being broken, especially Jin Kazama. Combot replaced Mokujin and didn't get a well reception from the fans.Since the game focuses more on the environments, the game run's slower, but offers additional 60 Hz and Progressive Scan mode fo extra speed and smoother gameplay. (Eddy Gordo is Christie's alternate palette swap once completed the game once with her first.) Combot is a robot that imitates other fighters, just like with Mokujin from Tekken 3, but uses only one fighting style per match. Christie has basically Eddy Gordo's moves, so she is not so real new character. Three new characters makes their first appearance in the series: Craig Marduk, Steve Fox and Christie Monteiro. Raising the bar for console fighting games at the time.
The art style wasamazing, the music was beautiful, the graphics & animation were a huge step forward, the character evolutions and newcomers were top quality, and just abouteverything else in the game was memorable and polished.Even though some fans seemingly preferred the prequels, Tekken 4 was still a hugely successfularcade and PS2 title. I think most Tekken fanshave a special place in their heart for good old T4.
Even long afterthe release of Tekken 4.While the game's 'hype factor' didn't quite live up to the epicness and fun that was Tekken Tag Tournament, Tekken 4 was an earnest attempt at returning the series to its 1-VS-1 roots.Even though Tekken 4 is widely considered 'broken' in high level play (due to insanely damaging combos & infinites). Very few fighting games of the era (and yearsafter) could live up to the artistry, depth, and polish of Tekken 4.While Tekken 4 took the series took a step forward with its innovative new gameplayelements and deeper character movesets, many Tekken fans were still enjoying Tekken Tag Tournament's fast & furious tag-team gameplay (and larger roster). Tekken 4 made a big statement in the fighting genre at the time. Thefather and son clash in battle once again with Heihachi emerging the victor.

Kazuya is declared thedefault winner of Stage Seven, and he meets Heihachi at the final stage. The plan works, and at Stage Seven, where Jin and Kazuya are scheduled tofight, Jin is ambushed and captured by the Tekken Forces. In a desperate attempt tolure Kazuya and Jin out, Heihachi announces the King of the Iron Fist Tournament4. Not willing to give up, Heihachi searches for his grandson, JinKazama, who does possess the Devil Gene, with Heihachi learning that the body ofhis son, Kazuya (who also has the Devil Gene and died twenty years ago) isstored in the labs of the Mishima Zaibatsu's main business rival, G Corporation.Heihachi sends his Tekken Forcesto raid G Corporation and retrieve Kazuya's remains, but the mission fails whenthe Force is wiped out by none other than Kazuya himself, who has been revivedby G Corporation and is now stronger than ever before.

The experiment fails, since Heihachi lacks the necessaryDevil Gene.